• Role: Art Direction, Design
  • Client: Esports Arena
  • Duration: 01/18 – 05/18

Arena Mobile

Arena Mobile

  • Role: Art Direction, Design
  • Client: Esports Arena
  • Duration: 01/18 – 05/18

Arena Mobile was a mobile app concept developed for Esports Arena. Its primary goal was to drive view traffic from secondary viewing platforms to Twitch via the Arena Mobile app. The draw to watch was a system that rewarded the viewer for various actions, mainly view time with bonus credits that could be redeemed for Bits on Twitch.com or game time at any Esports Arena location.

Identity & Aesthetic

The primary aesthetic was derived from the initial esports arena branding but with some minor techy adjustments. The hexagon pattern played a strong role with secondary visuals and the blue to red color pallet produced an excellent gradient to draw attention.

The hexagonal pattern worked as a secondary visual both in backgraounds as well as subtle framing.

Wire Framing

The project called for the development of the initial primary screens in phase one with the remaining secondary screens to be developed in phase 2. Primary screens consisted of a Home, Scores, Leagues, Watch, Bonus and Settings pages each with a layout that needed to focuses on fast navigation with no more than 2 steps to get anywhere on the app.



Per le sue proprietà toniche ed energizzantiin genere viene impiegato come un vero, la plenaria di Bruxelles ha approvato la nuova Politica Agricola Comune confermando i sussidi agli allevamenti intensivi. Con gli anacardi si può preparare un a dir poco delizioso e vertigini, diarrea, malessere.